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Is cereal soup?

Is cereal soup?

This t-shirt design is for my own screen printing company. My goal is to create a fun and clever t-shirts for everyone to enjoy. My inspiration for this shirt design was a conversation i was having with a friend. We were thinking of outragious ideas a thoughts. This quote poped up so I wrote it down in my idea book and this shirt was made.

  • Project Guidlines:

    •Use 1-2 colors

    •A short and straight forward phrase

    •8.5 by 11 (so I can burn it on the screen

    •Use my own art

  • Color/ Material Selection:

    •I designed this in illuatrator, and printing on clear transfer paper to burn onto screen. 


    •In my sketches my design process is to write key words that come to mind, when I think of the specific topic of my project. 


    •My next step is to create a list of colors that will match and complement my design.

© 2019 by JULIA ENGFER

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